Bowman D.J. and Bearman R.A., Coarse waste rejection through sized based separation, Physical Separation 13, 20–21 June 2013, Falmouth, UK (submitted to Minerals Engineering). |
Bearman R.A. (2012) Step change in the context of comminution, Keynote Paper: Comminution 2012, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 43–44, April 2013, pp2–11. |
Crushers – an essential part of energy efficient comminution circuits, with Munro S. and Evertsson C.M., Metplant 2011, 8–9 August 2011, Perth, published on CD, AusIMM. |
Understanding Crusher Performance in an Energy Constrained World, Mill Optimisation Conference – Advances in crushing, grinding and mill optimization, 30–31 March 2011, Perth. |
A Simulation Approach for the Comparison of IPCC and Truck–Shovel Mining Methods, with Munro S.D., AusIMM Mine Planning and Equipment Selection Conference, Fremantle, 1–3 December 2010. |
HPGR: Right time, Right place. Keynote Address, 1st International Polycom User Group Conference, Perth, 11–12 November 2010. |
Innovation and the major drivers, CPA Annual Conference – Energy and Mining, Gold Coast 27 November 2009. |
Materials and maintenance within the future–mine concept, Innovations in Wear Management Technology, 7th August 2009. |
Gouging abrasion test for rock abrasiveness testing, with V. Golovanevskiy, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 85, Issue 4, 31 January 2008, pp 111–120. |
Total system design for comminution, Keynote Address – AusIMM Ninth Mill Operators Conference, pp3–7, 19–21 March 2007, Perth, ISBN: 978 1 920806 60 6, AusIMM Publication Series No. 1/2007. |
High–Pressure Grinding Rolls – Characterising and Defining Process Performance for Engineers. Advances in Comminution, Kawatra K.S. (ed.). Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME), 2006.pp. 3–14. |
Economic Optimisation of an Ore Processing Plant with a Constrained Multi–objective Evolutionary Algorithm, with Huband, S., While, L., Tuppurainen, D., Hingston P. and Barone, L., AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: The 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Hobart, Tasmania, December 2006. |
Designing Comminution Circuits with a Multi–Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, with S. Huband, L. Barone, P. Hingston, L. While and D. Tuppurainen, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’05), Edinburgh, September 2005. |
Maximising Overall Value in Plant Design, with S. Huband, D. Tuppurainen, L. While, L. Barone, andP. Hingston, Minerals Engineering, 19 (15), pp1470 – 1478, 2006. |
The Role of Science and Technology in the Future of the Iron Ore Industry, Keynote Address with R.J. Batterham, Proc. Iron Ore 2005, pp3–8, AusIMM, ISBN 1 920806 37 7. |
High Pressure Grinding Rolls – Characterising and Defining Process Performance for Engineers, Plenary Address – SME Annual Conference, In Publication. Comminution Symposium, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME), 2006 SME Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, March 27th– 29th, 2006. |
HPGR is the Game – Do We Know the Rules?, Randol Innovative Metallurgy Conference, Proc. Randol Innovative Metallurgy Forum, Perth 2005, pp90–95. |
Designing Comminution Circuits with a Multi–Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, with S. Huband, L. Barone, P. Hingston, L. While and D. Tuppurainen, 2005 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2, pp141 – 148, 2005. |
A multi–objective evolutionary algorithm approach for crusher optimisation and flowsheet design, with L. While, L. Barone, P. Hingston, S. Huband, and D. Tuppurainen, Minerals Engineering, Volume 17, Issues 11–12, November–December 2004, Pages 1063–1074. |
A quantification of the benefits of high pressure rolls crushing in an operating environment, with D. Maxton and C. Morley, Minerals Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 9, September 2003, Pages 827–838. |
Mechanistic Modelling of Mineral Sizers, with R. Heng, K. Cheng, D. Tuppurainen and S. Oswald, Minerals Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 9, September 2003, Pages 807–813. |
Recrush HPRC Project – The Benefits of High Pressure Rolls Crushing, with D. Maxton and C. Morley, Crushing and Grinding 2002, Kalgoorlie 30 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2002. |
Investigation of interparticle breakage as applied to cone crushing, with C.M. Evertsson, Dokorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola, pp B.1 – B.27, Gothenburg, 2000. |
An Investigation of the Process Performance of the Rhodax Crusher, Crushing & Grinding Technologies for Mineral Extraction, IIR, 18–19 May 2000. |
Performance Optimisation of crushers and crushing circuits, Australian Journal of Mining, Crushing and Grinding Conference, 27–28th April 1999. |
Development of a flakiness model for the prediction of crusher product shape, with T. Kojovic, Comminution 98. |
Application of fuzzy cognitive maps to factors affecting slurry rheology, with G.A. Banini, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 52 (4) (1998) pp. 233–244. |
The active use of crushers to control product requirements, with C.A. Briggs, Minerals Engineering (11)9 (1998)pp.849–859. |
Investigation of interparticle breakage as applied to cone crushing, with C.M. Evertsson, Minerals Engineering, (10)2, (1997) pp. 199–214. |
An Investigation of the Rheology of Slurries in High Speed Stirred Mills, with D. Rahal and J. Micallef, Proc. Rheology in the Minerals Industry, February 16–21, 1997, Ed: J. S. Laskowski and D.V.Boger, San Diego, USA. |
Synthesising Mineral Processing Circuits with Learning Classifier Systems, with J.J. Venter and R.C. Everson, Proc. First International Sym. on Mine Simulation via the Internet, Ed: G.N. Panagiotou, J.R. Sturgul, 2–13th Dec. 1996, Balkema, Pub. Date – Feb. 1997. |
Novel Comminution Technology, with D. Tompsitt, Proc. 1996 Mining Technology Conference, Ed: D. Howarth, H. Gurgenci, D. Sutherland, B. Firth, 10–11th September 1996, Perth, pp159–168. |
Mineral Liberation by Particle Bed Breakage, with R. Fandrich, W. Lim and J. Boland, Minerals Engineering Vol. 10, No. 2, pp175–187, 1997. |
A Novel Approach to Circuit Synthesis in Mineral Processing, with J.J. Venter and R.C. Everson, Minerals Engineering Vol. 10, No. 3, pp287–299, 1997. |
The Application of Rock Mechanics Parameters to the Prediction of Comminution Behaviour, with C.A. Briggs and T. Kojovic, Minerals Engineering Vol. 10, No. 3, pp255–264, 1997. |
A Review of Novel Comminution Technology, Chemeca ’96, Sydney, Ed: G.Weiss, Vol 3, pp 91 – 94, IChemE Aust, 1996. |
A Crushing and Screening Process Simulator for the Quarry Industry – JKSimQuarry, Quarry Australia, August 1996, pp28–31. |
Advances in Crushing Equipment – Technology for the Quarry Industry, Quarry Australia, June 1996, pp26–32. |
The Role of Computer Based Simulation in the Quarrying Industry, 10th Annual Symposium, Institute of Quarrying (QLD. Branch), 17–19th May 1996, pp10–15. |
The Use of the Point Load Test for the Rapid Estimation of Mode I Fracture Toughness, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstracts, 36, pp257–263, 1999. |
The Influence of Fragmentation on Crushing Performance, with A.M. Tunstall, Mining Engineering, Jan. 1997. |
Simulation and Optimisation of Aggregate Plant, with R.D. Morrison, Quarry Management, Feb. 1996, pp 21–25. |
An Investigation of Rock Breakage and Damage in Comminution Equipment, with C.A. Briggs, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp489–497, 1996. |
Crushing Plant Performance – A Function of Blast Fragmentation?, Keynote Address, 4th Nordic Conference on Aggregates Research, Helsinki, 27–28 Nov. 1995. |
The Assessment of Rock Breakage and Damage in Crushing Machinery, with C.A. Briggs, Proc. Explo ‘95, 4–7th September 1995, Brisbane, Australia, pp167–172, AusIMM. |
Crusher Product: An Intelligent Mechatronic Approach to Product Characterisation, with D.W.Calkin and R.M.Parkin, Proc. APCOM XXV, 10–14th July 1995, Brisbane, Australia, pp377–380. |
Adaptive and Intelligent Control of Cone Crushers, with M.Moshgbar and R.M.Parkin, Proc. APCOM XXV, 10–14th July 1995, Brisbane, Australia, pp413–418. |
Optimum Control of Cone Crushers Utilising an Adaptive Strategy for Wear Compensation, with M.Moshgbar and R.M.Parkin, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 8, No4/5, pp367–376, ISBN 0892– 6875(95)00002–X, 1995. |
Application of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Technologies in Cone Crusher Control, with M.Moshgbar and R.M.Parkin, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1/2, pp41–50, ISBN 0892– 6875(94)00101–4, 1995. |
Impact of system tribology on automatic control of cone crushers, with M. Moshgbar and R. Parkin, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 17, (1), pp 2 – 9, 1995. |
The Compensation of Liner Wear for Optimum Control of Cone Crushers, with M. Moshgbar and R.M. Parkin, Progress in Mineral Processing Technology, Proc. 5th Int. Min. Proc. Sym., pp549–555, ISBN 90 5410 513 5. |
Artificial Intelligence in the Control of Cone Crushers, with I.D. Nock and R.M. Parkin, Proc. Joint Hungarian–British Mechatronics Conference, Mechatronics: The Basis for New Industrial Development, Budapest, September 21–23rd 1994, pp699–704, ISBN 1 85312 367 6, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1994. |
3D Opto–Mechatronic Product Classifier for Sizing and Grading of Roadstone Aggregate, with D.W. Calkin and R.M. Parkin, Proc. Mechatronics and Machine Vision In Practice, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia, 13–15th September 1994, ISBN No. 0–8186–6300–6, pp 133–139. |
A Mechatronic Solution for the Automatic Control of Cone Crushers, with M.Moshgbar and R.M. Parkin, International Journal of Mechatronics Design and Production, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 1994, pp1–10. |
Intelligent Opto–Mechatronic Product Classifier for Sizing and Grading of Roadstone Aggregate, with D.W. Calkin and R.M. Parkin, Proc. European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference, EURISCON ’94, Malaga, Spain, Aug. 22–26 1994. |
The European Quarrying Industry: Current Status and Future Trends (Part 2), Quarry Australia, Vol.2, No.8, August 1994, pp 53–54. |
The European Quarrying Industry: Current Status and Future Trends (Part 1), Quarry Australia, Vol.2, No7, July 1994, pp 53–55. |
Cone Crusher Design and Operation, Proc. 1st CMTE Annual Conference, Pinjarra Hills, Brisbane, July 20–22nd 1994, pp56–59. |
Intelligent Control of Rock Crushers Using Real–Time Distributed Systems and KBS, with R.M. Parkin and S.Yaxley, ESDA 2nd Biennial European Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, July 4–7th 1994. |
The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Real–Time Evaluation of Wear in Cone Type Rock Crushers, with M.Moshgbar and R.M. Parkin, Proc. Condition Monitoring ’94, March 21–25 1994, University College, Swansea, Ed: M.H. Jones, ISBN No. 0–906674–83–2, pp716–725. |
Energy Conservation via Optimal Control of Cone Crushers, with R.M. Parkin, Transactions IMechE, Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 28, pp165–170, 1994. |
Hierarchal Distributed Intelligence Within a Quarrying Environment, with R.M. Parkin and S Yaxley, ICMA ’94, International Conference on Machine Automation, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Feb 16–18, 1994, ISBN No. 951–722–107–X, pp745–757. |
Knowledge Based System for Condition Monitoring of Cone Crushers, with I.D. Nock and R.M. Parkin, Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Part A, Mining Industry, Vol. 103, Jan.–April 1994, ISSN 0371–7844, ppA33–39. |
Implementation of a Rock Crusher Monitoring and Control System Using Knowledge Based Techniques, with I.D. Nock and R.M. Parkin, BCS SGES Expert Systems ’93, Robinson College, Cambridge, 13–15th December 1993, ISBN No.1–85598–021–5, pp 219–228. |
Real Time Distributed Control for the Intelligent Operation of Rock Crushers, with S. Yaxley and R.M. Parkin, Proc. Int. Workshop on Mechatronic Design and Modelling, Ankara, Turkey, 15–19 Nov. 1993. |
Energy Conservation Through Enhancements in the Operational Efficiency of Cone Crushers, with R.M. Parkin and I.D. Nock, Proc. 1st Int. Conference on Environmental Engineering, Leicester, 21– 23rd Sept. 1993, (No pp). |
The Application of KBS for Real–Time Control of Cone Crushers, with M. Moshgbar and R.M. Parkin, Proc. IEE Systems Engineering for Real–Time Applications, 13–15th Sept. 1993, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, ISBN No. 0–85296–593–1, pp172–177. |
Condition Monitoring of Cone Crushers Using Distributed Intelligence, with S. Yaxley and R.M. Parkin, Proc. COMADEM 93, 5th Int. Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 21–23 July 1993, University of the West of England, Ed: Raj Rao, ISBN No. 1–871056– 72–1. |
Intelligent Operation of Rock Crushers Using Real–Time Distributed Control, with S. Yaxley and R.M. Parkin, Proc. Int. Conference on Mechatronical Computer Systems for Perception and Action, 1–3rd June 1993, Halmstad University, Sweden, ISBN 91–630–1847–0, pp39–44. |
Knowledge Based Condition Monitoring of Cone Crushers, with I.D. Nock and R.M. Parkin. Proc. Artificial Intelligence in the Minerals Sector, University of Nottingham, 20th April 1993. |
The Use of Knowledge Based Systems in the Control of Rock Crushers, with R. Parkin, Expert Systems ’92, BCS Specialist Group on Expert Systems and Institution of Electrical Engineers, 16–17th December 1992, Churchill College, Cambridge. |
Intelligent Control of Cone Crushers, with R. Parkin. Mechatronics – The Integration of Engineering Design, I.Mech.E, 22–24th September 1992, University of Dundee, ISBN No. 0 85–298–840–0, pp151– 157. |
Expert Systems: Opportunities in the Minerals Industry, with R. Milne, Presented at Minerals Engineering 1992, April 14–16, Vancouver, Canada, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 10–12, pp.1307– 1323, 1992. |
Energy Utilization in Crushing, Mine and Quarry, Vol. 20, No. 10, October, 1991, pp 35–37. |
The Prediction of Power Consumption and Product Size in Cone Crushing, with R.W. Barley and A. Hitchcock, Minerals Engineering, Vol.4, No.12, pp 1243–1256, 1991. |
CRYSTAL – Links Education and the Minerals Industry, Crystal User Magazine, September 1990. |
The Development of a Comminution Index for Rock and the Use of an Expert System to Assist the Engineer in Predicting Crushing Requirements, with R.W. Barley and A. Hitchcock. Presented at the International Sym. on Comminution, Camborne School of Mines, September 1989, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1/2, pp 117–127, 1990. |
Use of Fracture Toughness Testing in Characterising the Comminution Potential of Rock, with R.J. Pine and B.A. Wills. Presented at the MMIJ/IMM Sym. Today’s Technology for the Mining and Metallurgical Industries, 2nd October 1989, Proc. pp 161–180, 1989. |